Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh this boy...

I am talking about my Cooper. He is my middle child, my love bug, my social guy, "just like Daddy" boy and my perfect MESS. He is full of it and into everything right now. I mean everything!! Whenever he realizes I am not in the room, he goes to work to find something to get into. He is in drawers, on stools, in closets, in cabinets, digging in the freezer or searching the pantry. Here are just a few of his latest antics:
**First, he has a nice wood height chart made by friend to match his room. It WAS bolted to the wall. The other day Colton comes in carrying this and tells me "Look what Cooper pulled off the wall." Cooper's response, "I told you I was strong Bubba!" So now, there is a nice hole that needs to be repaired.
**Next, after I gave him a bowl of popcorn he asked me if we could make popcorn balls with honey like we read about in a book. I told him- not today, honey is messy and I would rather he just eat his popcorn without it. Well, I left the room and came back to find Cooper, in the living room, with the bottle of honey, squirting it all over his bowl of popcorn. Lucky for him, it was not yet on the carpet and our couches are leather. It was on the couch, the coffee table and all over his hands. Not good.
**Then, if you know my Cooper he wants to be just like his Daddy. He wants to hunt, carry a pocket knife, wants a gun, a cell phone--you get it.  Well, he would find any sharp thing Cody had around and want to "hold it." So we began putting these things on the top of the fridge. Well, I came into the kitchen one day to find him standing on top of a bar stool getting a pocket knife off the fridge. Needless to say the knives and other objects are all hidden in a secret location and that is driving him nuts.

Just a few examples of my middle guy! He sure keeps life fun!

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