Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa called!

Last night my boys received their annual call from Santa! (If you have never done this I highly recommend it...www.santaspeaking.com) The boys were so excited to talk to the big guy! Especially Carter. He actually tried to hog the phone a little. When you ask Carter what he wants Santa to bring him, he says "pesents" (presents)--it is adorable! They boys talked about what they are learning at school and what they can work on to stay on the nice list. They all sang Jingle Bells to Santa and did a great job. They were sure to let Santa know that they would leave him milk and cookies and some food for his reindeer. I can't wait to get our recording in the mail!
Here are some more pictures from when my cuties saw and talked to Santa in person...

A little side note that I will delete before I print my blog book: Colton knows the truth about Santa. A girl at school told him and he asked me and he wanted to know the truth. He is a deep thinker and started the conversation with," Mama, I need to talk to you about something." So grown up and serious. (He has been starting a lot of conversations this way lately.) We had a great talk about it and after a few tears on both of our parts, he is now entrusted with the secret. It is so sad to me that that excitement is gone for him but he was so good about our visit to Santa and the phone call. He played along so well and no one would suspect that he is in on the big secret. So proud of the good big brother he is!  


The Best of Both Worlds said...

That side note made me tear up. I dread that day! I'm so glad he is taking it very well and keeping the secret!!!

Brooke said...

Awww- that is precious! Made me tear up too. I remember when I found out-around fifth grade. I cried then too. But, he seems to have the real magic of Christmas in his heart! Sweet thing!! xoxo Brooke