Today my baby turns 6 years old!! Here are some things about my littlest man...
*He has the cutest voice! I love to hear him talk and sing! Oh boy does he loves to talk. =)
*He has a great imagination!
*He has the sweetest spirit and a precious smile!
*He gives the best hugs and kisses and lots of them. Thank goodness!
*He loves to snuggle on the couch and watch movies.
*He is into Legos, Avengers, Ninja Turtles, Hot Wheels, Playdoh and being outside.
*He is so smart and ready for Kindergarten. (Even if Mama's not. )
*He is a great listener. I love for him to retell us his Sunday School lessons.
*He has the best belly laugh!
*He is an amazing gift from GOD!
*He brings us laughter, love and lots of JOY! He just makes me happy!

I lOvE, LoVe, LOVE this boy!!! Happy birthday Carter Wesley!