Cody and I had the opportunity, through a great church friend, to get an early sonogram. Since the suspense has been driving us nuts we jumped at the chance. (My actual doctor's appointment is next week. Shhhh.) SO- we found out we are having a....................BOY!! I will forever be the Queen of the House! =) He looks great! All looked healthy and he measured just as he should for 19 weeks. Colton and Cooper were thrilled. Colton definitely wanted a brother... he said no tea party for him. Cooper had been referring to the baby as a sister for weeks but didn't seem to care either way. I have to admit, I am a terrible person and I had a good cry. Not because I don't want this baby boy because of course I will love him to pieces and already do but because I know I will never have a daughter. That is a huge idea to let go of. Still, I definitely realize that we
are so truly and richly blessed. I thank God each day for that!!! Here are some pictures of our cute little guy.

Here is his little face.

Here is the "package shot."
Here is his cute foot.
I can't wait to hold the little man.
Another Cute little Mueller Boy!
Youre not a terrible person for having a good cry, just a NORMAL person! Cant wait to meet Baby C to the 3rd power!!!
We will love him just as much as your other two boys! Can't wait to see who he looks like. Love ya!
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