Today is our 10 year anniversary! I can hardly believe that much time has gone by. Our life together is and has been wonderful. I have known my hubby since I was 8 years old. He asked me to "circle yes or no" in fourth grade and we were a couple off and on through middle school. After that, we remained great friends. Then in '95, as Seniors in high school , we became a couple again. We have been inseparable ever since. I am so glad that God made sure that we would meet and fall in love. Cody is an amazing husband, best friend and Daddy. I know that he was meant for me! About a month ago my hubby sent me the sweetest email. In it he had the lyrics to the song "I run to you" by Lady Antebellum and he wrote that he was so glad that he would always have me to run to. If you have ever really listened to that song you know that it is a great way to have your spouse feel about you. I will definitely always run to Cody Mueller. I am so grateful that we will be together in 50 years(or more) rocking on our front porch. We are so blessed in our life together!
Congrats! Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary! Isn't it amazing how time flies.
Congrats!! Hope you have a fun anniversary!
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