My boys sure love their Daddy! I sure love their Daddy too! I am so thankful that Cody is the father of my kiddos. He is such a hands-on and attentive Dad. I love that he will get down and roughhouse with the boys, throw the ball around in the backyard, hunt, fish, swim and ride bikes with them. Yet he is also always giving them a hug or kiss, telling them he loves them or praying with them. What a great example he is setting for my boys as they grow into young men and someday husbands and fathers!! I couldn't as for a better partner in parenting. Happy Father's Day Cody!!
P.S. I am so thankful that I have such an amazing Daddy. He is always there for us and is a wonderful Papa. We all love him so much. Cody's Dad is an amazing man and is such a wonderful Opi to my boys. We all love him so much too. Our family is so blessed to have so many awesome men as examples for my boys!!!!