Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Carter is 15 months old

Carter turned 15 months on Saturday and I really can't get over how time just seems to be flying by. He is a super active and super fun little guy who still has the sweetest spirit. I can't help but smile every time I look at him. He is everywhere these days and when I say everywhere I mean in every cabinet, every drawer and  even on top of tables. The boy loves to climb.

(Yes-I got him right down after I took those pictures but he looks so cute getting "caught".)
 He still loves to dance and still LOVES his Pooh bear. Actually, he likes to carry more than one with him...good thing I have lots of spares.

We still get several comments a day about his red hair and the fact that it has some curl to it. I adore it and I hope it stays just like it is.

He can really play with his big brothers now and there is nothing quite like the sound of the three of them giggling. By far the sweetest music my ears will ever hear!  Carter's sheer presence just makes our family overflow with happiness! Love, love, love this baby! 

His check up was today and he got three shots. He only let out a little whine...tough like his biggest bubba.=) Here are his stats :
Height: 34 inches(99%) 
Weight: 26 lbs 10oz (77%)

Could he be any cuter? =)

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