Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For this I am thankful...

I have two healthy, active, loving, happy and adorable boys.

I have a husband that I not only love but I really like him too.

We get to have one more of God's sweetest gifts in July.

I have the privilege of being a stay at home mom.

My parents are two of my best friends.

My in-laws are great people.

My boys have the world's best Grandparents.

I have a great big brother that I have always been close to.

My hubby has a great sister and brother.

My three sister-in-laws are some of closest friends.

I have four super-cute nephews that my boys love to play with.

Cody's wonderful Nana-our last grandparent.

I have lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins that are crazy and fun.

I have several close friends I can truly vent to, call on, cry and laugh with.

Colton has a great teacher and loves school.

We have an amazing bible study group that we get together with once a week.

Cooper goes to a great preschool.

We go to a wonderful church.

The list of God's blessings go on and on...we are so lucky!!


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