Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Biggest Brother

I just thought I would take a minute to talk about my Colton Wyatt. Lately when I look at him I just can't get over how big is getting. Having him has been a true gift from God! He is so fun to talk to and can really make you think with the stuff he comes up with. I hope he is always as affectionate and thoughtful as he is now. He can make my day with his big hugs and the way he says "I looove you"....so genuine and heart felt. This boy is a great person to hang out with. He is doing so well in first grade and really loves school. Another thing I hope never changes. Drawing is still one of his favorite things to do but riding his scooter is right up there too. He is such a sweet boy. We are so proud of him! Here are a few pictures of the Biggest Brother at our house. The picture of him and Cody cracks me up because they both have really tired eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they both have tired eyes b/c it is tough being the best biggest brother and best daddy in your house!