Friday, November 5, 2010

No more cast!!

Colton got his cast off this past week--thank goodness! He really has done well adapting to doing most things left handed and has been a trooper about it, but it was time. The cast looked terrible. It was missing the connector part between his finger and thumb, and lots of padding had been picked away. It was so funny because it didn't require the saw to get it off. The Dr. just slid it right off. He even made the comment to Colton, "You really go easy on things huh?"  The cast looked rough. =) The benefit to it having loosened up is that it didn't really smell that bad.  Anyway, the x-ray showed that his wrist has been healing really well but it is only about 85% of the way done. He doesn't need another cast but he does need to take it easy. He has to continue to sit out in PE for another month just to be on the safe side. We do not want him to rebreak it!!
Here is a picture of my happy, cast less boy!

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