Yes-I know this in my heart and am so thankful for what God has given. Still, there are those times when I let myself get so frustrated that I forget for just a moment. Like this afternoon at Sears Portrait Studio while attempting to get the yearly pictures of the boys in their Halloween costumes. As I was struggling to get both boys in their costumes and get all the pieces in place, I realize how hot it is in that joint and I know that my boys must be sweating under that weird material that they look so darling in. So I halfway undress them so they won't go crazy during this now apparent long wait ahead of us. Then I deal with a slightly annoying child (that doesn't belong to me)who keeps antagonizing Cooper and hinting that he wants the snacks that I am feeding my kids. After a good 40 minute wait we get redressed and finally get our turn. I have to talk the photographer out of the various twenty shots she wants to get explaining that I really just need one good one so we can get out of there. By this point, my kids, who have actually been pretty good, are having to feel my frustration because they are moving between shots. (I feel bad about it now but my patience was gone.)
We finally get finished and have purchased what I want, then we head to the food court to refuel. As we sit down, I see this sweet child in a wheelchair with very serious health problems. I realize that the Lord is saying "Seriously Melanie, look how lucky you are!!" I know. I am soooooo blessed! I am truly grateful for the two healthy, very active and precious boys I have been given. I love them so much it hurts. I am thankful for the little ways that God reminds me to cherish them.
Oh-by the way. The pictures of my Batman aka Colton, and his sidekick Robin aka Cooper, turned out great! I will post them on here as Halloween gets closer. I have never seen a Superhero team quite so cute!
One more thing...Lynn is home and doing well. She says she is not having much pain and mainly just needs lots of rest. She will need lots of help for a while and that will be the challenge for a Supermom.