After getting to bed around 2:30am, Colton woke us up at about 7:00 to let us know that Santa left him his blue bike. He was patient and waited until I finished nursing Carter and then he got to go wake up Cooper. Cooper jumped right out of bed and ran to see the loot that Santa left them. He was thrilled to find a drum set waiting for him. It is so neat--black with flames- the base drum even lights up when it is hit. Carter got a neat little 5-n-1 gym and some other fun toys. Colton got his Interactive Woody and Buzz and Cooper got his gun and Swiss Army knife he wanted.
They got lots of other stuff but those were the highlights for them. Oh- except the last one was a card and it told them where the gift would be. This is what the letter said:
There is one more gift for you to share,
This one needs some special care,
Go to your movie is waiting there.
It was a brown hamster and made the boys so happy. They named him Buddy.
After opening presents and eating breakfast,we had sometime to let the boys play with their toys and just relax. It was nice to not have to rush to get anywhere.
For lunch, we headed to Omi & Opi's house. We ate a good meal and then the boys got more neat stuff...Wii with hunting games and the Toy Story Mania game, a play buck knife, Carter got a neat Barn toy and much more.
We left there and headed straight to Mammy & Papa's house. The boys got great stuff there too...Geo Trax set, a toy shotgun, Toy Story set, remote control cars, and Carter got a walk behind/ ride on toy--the list goes on. We ate there and hung out a while.
Then we came home late last night and unloaded all of our goodies. (Cody and I got some wonderful things too.) We had a such a great day! It was so nice to get to spend time with both of our families on Christmas day. We are so lucky that we have such amazing parents who are in turn amazing grandparents. We are all so spoiled by them. I am so thankful that they so close and they all four want to a lot spend time with our boys. They are all such an important part of our lives.
With all of this celebrating, we do try never to forget that we are celebrating Jesus' birth and that we have all of our wonderful blessings because of him!
Speaking of those blessings, this was my Carter's 1st Christmas. There is nothing quite like a baby at Christmas time. There is just something about it. I caught myself just watching him as he was taking it all in with wonder in his sweet little blue eyes. I tear up in those moments because he is already 6 months old(on Christmas Day) and I wish I could just freeze time. He is precious and we couldn't ask for a more perfect gift!!