We spent the end of our Spring Break at a house on Lake LBJ. We had intended to stay in a cabin but some awesome coworkers of Cody's have a house right on the water and insisted we use it. So kind of them! It was so nice and a perfect set up for us.
We drove in Wednesday evening just in time to grab a yummy Mexican dinner and then watch a movie at the house. On Thursday we got up and headed to Longhorn Caverns. It was an hour and a half long tour with neat stories and formations. We all enjoyed it but toward the end Carter was ready to "get out of this cave."
After our tour, we did a little hike through the state park and did a little geocaching. If you haven't heard of this, you should try it.
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. The goal is to navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.When you find the treasure, you can take what is inside and leave something behind or just sign the log book to say you were there. It is very cool. We found our geocache in a hole in a boulder. It was full of little trinkets.
They were chatting away |
Carter HAD to be the leader for a while |
The necklace was one of the trinkets we took. We also took an army man and a plastic coin. Don't worry, we left something behind too. |
After some lunch, we headed back to the house to rest. Then the stomach bug hit poor Colton...hard. He threw up(and had other issues) and ran fever for the whole evening. While he was doing this....
Cody, Cooper and Carter were enjoying fishing and paddle boating on the lake.
I love this picture. It is so Cooper! |
I felt so sorry for Colton but luckily he woke up Friday morning a little low on energy but feeling much better.
We spent some time feeding the geese...
Paddle boating...
and blowing bubbles.
Then we went to visit a nearby fish hatchery but they were in an off season. We just piddled around and then headed out for ice cream before we got back on the road to head home.
We had a great little getaway(besides the stomach bug part). I love, love, love getting away with my boys!
We were so sad to see Spring Break end!!