Sunday, May 31, 2009
Summer is here!
Yay!! School is out! We are all so thrilled. Colton had such a great year though. We couldn't have had a better teacher or school experience. Now he is officially a 1st grader and that is just wild. Where does the time go?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Light Duty
Okay. So today was my 35 week checkup for Carter. I have not been feeling too fabulous lately and have had tons of cramping and possible contractions. I am dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. He is verrrry far down and right up against my pelvic bone....not comfortable. She says that area is definitely getting ready for labor. She started the much needed lecture..."you have got to take it easy...get lots of rest....let others help you out...don't run errands with the boys...stay out of the heat...this baby needs at least another two weeks. He needs to stay in there. " I do know these things but it is so hard to hear. Yes- I teared up. I am not a fan of asking for help or sending my boys to do things without me. Those who know me well, know that I have lots of plans for the boys and I right up until Carter's due date. Ha! Not gonna happen exactly as planned. I know... I know-- it is okay. And Carter does deserve that very important time in my cozy and very large tummy. As much as I want to meet him, kiss him and hug him, he must stay put a little while longer. So as Cody calls it- I am on light duty.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Our Little Author
We were invited to Colton's school today to an "Author Share". He was the author and he got to share two books that he did in class. They did one as a group and he was chosen (with about 8 others in his class)to do one on his own as well. They were then turned into really nice, hardcover, slick page books. If you know Colton he loves this. Our boy will draw pictures and create stories to go with them for hours. Cody and I so enjoyed meeting him at the library and having him read his stories to us. He loved it too! We're so very proud! By the way, he dedicated his book to Cooper. That sure does a Mama's heart good!! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Picture day

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Kinder program
Colton had his kinder program tonight. The title was "Ready for Summer" and the songs were all fun and summer themed. Colton did so good! He got pretty into it. He said he was just a little nervous at first. We couldn't tell. He seemed to be having lots of fun. Cooper loved watching and clapping for his "Bubba". I cannot believe we are at the end of his kindergarten year. Whoever told me that time goes faster once you have kids in school was so right. This year has flown by. We are so proud of our almost 1st grader. Here are a few pictures from the cute show. The one of us four shows you just how huge Carter has gotten...okay and the rest of me too. =)

33 week baby update
Yes- I already have another update. This pregnancy is starting to really fly by. SO today's appointment was pretty basic. Heartbeat sounds good. Carter still measures two weeks ahead of schedule and she says he is waaaay down. He has already dropped and is a couple weeks ahead there too. She doesn't see how I could make it 7 more weeks.(Of course, no one really knows.) Not that he would be preterm just a little early. I will get another sonogram at 37 weeks to measure his size again and go from there. Her question...are you guys ready? Well, that is a loaded question. Of course, we can't wait to meet Carter and I know the boys are so ready for him to be here. There is just a lot on my to do list right now. So I guess I better get busy crossing things off. =)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Field Trip
Colton's kinder field trip was this week and I was lucky enough to go along as a chaperon. We went to the Laurie Auditorium and saw Joe Scruggs in concert. If you don't know Joe Scruggs-- he is a singer/songwriter of cute, silly and fun children songs. Anyway, after a fun concert we had a picnic and played at Brackenridge park. Then it was back to school. It was a great day! 

(Sorry for the fuzzy pictures.)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Flying High!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!

She is bubbly, kind and funny and also super sweet,
Whenever I need her she is sure to be there,
Always honest and loving and showing that she cares,
She is Mama to me and Mammy to my boys,
Her arms are always open in the hardships and the joys,
We have an amazing friendship and bond that we share,
Together we are a unique and close mother-daughter pair,
You have to meet this lady she is better than the rest,
Trust me when I tell you, my mom she is the BEST!!
Happy Mother's Day Mama!!!
(The picture I chose is not very recent but is one of my favorites of my mom and I. )
I am so lucky to have been blessed with two wonderful examples of what a mother should be.

(This is another older picture that I like. It is of my mother-in-law and two of my sister-in-laws. )
Being a Mama is a job I love soooo much! I am so lucky to have the two amazing little guys I am getting to raise. I can't believe I will be the mother of three boys in about 7 weeks. I can't wait! Life is good!!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Little Chefs

Friday, May 1, 2009
Show Us Where You Live- Kitchen Edition
A request was placed on Kelly's Korner-- a wonderful blog I love to read. She is doing "Show Us Where You Live --Kitchen Edition." So I thought I would share my kitchen with you. I really do enjoy my kitchen. I have been trying to cook more so I spend quite a bit of time in it. I love the rock work and the open feel it has. I have lots I want to do above the cabinets but I am picky so I haven't found the right things to go up there. Still, this is a space in my house that I love! Take a look: 

This fun plate has a spot at the top to change out different pieces(the flowers are this month's piece).

I love the saying "Live, Laugh, Love"

I love my pantry door but you don't want to see inside. =)
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