Time again for ...
I am loving that today my 5th nephew will be coming into the world. My sis-in-law
Hillary will be having her her c-section this morning! I cannot wait to meet the newest Mueller!!! Please say a quick prayer for his safe arrival and Hillary's quick healing. I will post pictures soon.
I am loving that my Daddy's knee replacement surgery is behind him. He had a rough first week but seems to be improving little by little. Although he still has some hard work ahead of him, I think he will end up being so glad he finally had the surgery.
I am loving these ladies. We got to spend time together at a birthday party and even though our conversations got interrupted a lot with having to chase kiddos, I am so glad glad we got to visit. We laughed because between the four of us, there are 12 kids--6 girls, 6 boys. They range from 8 years to 1 month old. Wild right?
Melissa, Me, Jenni(and precious baby Logan) and Laci |
I am loving that I got signed up to take photos for our church's Out and About Day. I am far, far, far from professional but I do love to take pictures. It is going to be so much fun to help document all the great ways the members of our church are "out and about" helping in the community.
Lastly, I am loving that my boys and I saw the movie "Dolphin Tale". It was fabulous!!! It had a great message and I love that it is based on a true story. At the end where they had actual footage from the real events, I cried. It was truly inspirational. Go see it! You will be glad you did!!
Link up with
Jaime and share what you are loving this Wednesday!