Cooper's graduation from preschool was so special. The kids and teachers had worked so hard to have a great program to show the parents.
We took our seats and the graduates walked in so cutely singing a song they sing each morning "Rise and Shine". Yes I did start to tear up.
Doesn't he look precious? |
Then the ceremony was made to show us somethings they would do on a typical day at Little Einsteins Preschool Academy. They said the pledge of allegiance and the pledge to the Texas flag. Then they sang their alphabet stew song and each kid had letters on sticks to wave around.
Next they showed us how they can speak three languages by singing their months of the year in English and Spanish and then using sign language while they sang a song. Precious! I loved seeing that knowledge that Cooper has learned.
Then they danced around to the Jack Jackson song "Upside Down". The teacher talked about how it was fitting because they are like Curious George who is going out into the jungle and playing with and meeting new animals. In our case... new friends.
Finally, the director talked about how these graduates were ready for kindergarten and they all received their graduation hats and their "diploma".
Then a quick but cute slide show was played and the graduates walked out in graduation style to the song "Find Your Wings." I love this little tidbit, Colton gave Cooper a high five as Cooper marched out.
Afterwards, they had a little reception with cupcakes and drinks. They had normal size cupcakes for all of us and each graduate had their own really large cupcake with their name on it. So cute!
As always, my kids' devoted grandparents were there beaming with pride! Can't say enough about how lucky we are to have them.
I also really can't say enough about this preschool. Colton went there and left ready for kinder and I know Cooper is ready now too. He has had great teachers...Mrs. Ale, Ms. Rose, Mr. Bryan and Ms. Amanda. He has learned a lot and had so much fun!
I was so emotional several times throughout the ceremony. I just cannot believe my Cooper will be in school full time next year. I am going to miss my running buddy. Seriously- I am tearing up just typing this so I have to stop. Ultimately, Cooper Wiley makes me so very proud to be his Mama!! I am super lucky to have him!!
Brotherly love!
(Colton is bending down so Cooper could put his arm around him.) |
Oh, one more thing~ In the program, each child was asked to tell what they learned in preschool. This was Cooper's answer:
"Going to the treasure chest!! Polygons have sides...Plants need water and sun to grow...Animals migrate because they need more room to sleep."
Too cute!!