Here are a few random pictures from our week!
This first one is my baby being cute, in a Halloween shirt, hanging out with me on Monday...
Adoraboo!! =) |
Poor Colton had to have some dental work done on Wednesday. He brushes well and has been seeing the dentist every six months since he was 3 but according to the dentist, he is prone to decay. He took after me with that. Sorry Colty! Anyway, he had to have sedation and have a tooth extracted, get one crowned and have another filled. He did so well and I loved that when they brought him back to him he had all these stickers on him. There was one for everything he had done. One even said "Warning-teeth, lips, tongue asleep!" He was such a tough guy as usual!!
This week was Red Ribbon Week at school and Wednesday's theme was "Crazy about being Drug Free." Here are the big boys in their crazy socks and hats. So fun!
On Thursday, Carter has his party at school and they were allowed to dress up. My sweet little man had zero desire to put on his costume so it was struggle to get him dressed. But once we got to his class and he saw his friends dressed up, he loved it! They trick or treated through the church office and I am told he was pretty popular. I love him in his costume. So stinkin' cute!!!!
My little sailor giving me his cheese face |
Carter and his buddy Batman |
Okay, that is it for now. =)