Well, this a very random catch up post since I barely blogged this week. Our week started out good with a fun Halloween but I woke up Tuesday morning and felt pretty bad! I managed to snap a few shots of Cooper dressed for 50's day and get the big boys to school but Carter and I headed straight back home to rest. I laid around and only felt worse so I managed to get a doctor's appointment that afternoon. So thankful for my Mama who left work and came stay with the boys. Turns out the Strep monster got me again. Thank goodness, my sweet Mama stayed here and corralled my boys until Cody got home. I basically slept all evening. The next morning, my sweet hubby got the boys ready for school and his Mom took them for me. Then she came and got Carter so I could rest all day. I did. I slept off and on all day. Then my hubby was on kid duty alone that night too. Finally Thursday morning I felt a little better and by that afternoon, I was human again. Thank goodness for good meds, amazing Mamas and an amazing hubby. One thing I know is that I need to get more rest. I go on an average of 5-6 hours of sleep a night and it just drains me. Anyway, I can hardly believe it is already November. I seriously feel like someone hit the fast forward button. We have a had a little cold front and are actually getting some low temperatures at night. I am not a huge fan of cold weather but one of the few reasons I like it is this.....

my baby in footed jammies! He cracks me up though! The first time he wore them this year, after he got up and came to me and said "I take my jacket off" as he was unzipping them. =)
My hubby is off to the deer lease this weekend so it is me and my boys. We met my bestie Lynn and her girls at the movies today and saw Puss in Boots. It was pretty cute! The kids all enjoyed it for sure! I just love hanging out with those girls! =)
Okay~that is it for now. Hopefully, the Strep monster does not get any of my kids and this week I can be a better blogger!=)
Have a great Sunday!
SO glad that you are feeling better!
Glad you are feeling better! I love footed pajamas, too. I'm sad because I think this will be Gracie's last year in them. Caleb, on the other hand, loves his. He has some with puppy dogs on the feet (like your little guy's) and he just laughs and laughs at those puppies.
Hope you have a much better week and a full recovery!!
I will have to take the kids to see that movie :)
Glad u r feeling better!! I want to go see Puss and Boots!!
So happy you are feeling better!! Those footed pajamas are so dadgum cute!!!!
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