Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo Flashback--waaaay back

The quality isn't great but this was copied from a snapshot and blown up to display at our wedding. That is Cody's cousin in the background giving the thumbs up.  
Isn't this so funny? This is me and my hubby in 7th grade. We were dancing to the Grand March(a traditional dance done at weddings and anniversary parties) at his grandparent's anniversary party. One day his Nana was going through pictures in her album and discovered this jewel. Yes- we were "going together" back then. Cody's suit cracks me up, although he did look pretty cute in it! =) The necklace I am wearing is a puffy heart. Remember when that was all the rage? Well, Cody had given me that for Valentine's day that year. I still have it. Wow- the history we have runs deep along with my love for him. So glad we have this precious picture!


Anonymous said...

This just made my day!! I love the Grand March and I love your cute outfits!! Of course, I had a puffy heart necklace...such a fun flash back!!

According to Jax said...

Aww this picture is amazing!!!

Hillary said...

You totally made me tear up a little bit just then! What an awesome picture of the two of you!

You should do a weekly post with an old photo and the story behind it!