Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shellac is wack...

He, He~ I couldn't resist this title! I was hoping to blog a good post about this and make it part of my "What I'm Loving Wednesday" but I am not loving it. =(
One of my oldest and best friends, April, and I were so excited to try out this new(around here anyway) thing for our nails called Shellac. It is more of a gel than a polish and it is supposed to protect your nails, look pretty and  last 2-3 weeks. When it was first done, April and I loved it. It looked really pretty. Anyway, with both of us being the mom of boys, we asked how careful we had to be with our nails. They told us we didn't have to be careful at all. Well, I hate to be negative but I am so disappointed. We got them done on Thursday night and by Friday I had some chipped corners and by Sunday several nails were half Shellacless. As of now, I have only four fingernails that look Shellacked. Not good for a $35 process. If I dare to try it again, I would go with a very neutral color.

My "good hand"
The upside, I did get an evening out with a one of my favorite friends. We got our nails done, pedicures and had dinner at yummy Olive Garden. We even splurged and got my favorite dessert there too, Zeppoli. Delicious!!
In the pedicure chairs.

 Love it!! =)


April Westerhold said...

You think you could go back and have them fix it? That is a lot to pay for it not to last very long.

Lenzi @ Homemade Happiness said...

It sounds like such a great idea - I wish it worked! I had heard it didn't work that great from someone else too...bummer!