Friday, April 1, 2011

FIll in the Blank Friday

This Friday I am doing something new and linking up with Lauren for...

1. The best prank I ever pulled was not very thought out and not very funny. Okay maybe to me it was but not to my dad. One day I was slicing  a big block of cheese, you know the kind with the red layer of wax on it? Anyway, I put a sliver of the wax in the crease of my hand and ran to my Dad holding my hand and saying "Oh my gosh, I cut my hand." My Dad jumped up and was in a panic to help me. Then I giggled. Not funny~~well maybe a little. ;)

2. The best prank ever pulled on me was --I can't think of one right now.

3. A day without laughter is a day wasted.

4. The most important things in life aren't things. They are the people I love and the relationships I have with them.

5. I dream of having a daughter. I am fairly certain this will never happen in my life since a fourth child is almost completely ruled out.  But my mom is my best friend and having that relationship with a daughter of my own someday sounds dreamy. I have these three perfect and precious little boys and I would love for them to have  a little sister to protect.

6. I dread the day Cody and I have an "empty nest." I know that we will stay busy, have fun together and  hopefully be doing lots of  traveling, but still I cannot imagine how quiet our house will be. I just love having a busy, silly, full of fun, messy, giggly, sometimes choatic house full of boys. I will be a sad Mama when they are all grown up. I don't even want to think about it right now. I LOVE the stage of life we are in now, no matter how crazy it can be, I wouldn't trade a minute of it!

7. A discovery I made this week is that I stink at attempting to communicate in Spanish. Even after high school Spanish class and one in college, I am no bueno at it. =) We had our house painted on Wednesday and when the really nice workers attempted to explain something to me, I didn't get it. Eventually, they got their boss on the phone to clear up our lack of communication. I definitely discovered that I need to brush up on my Spanish speaking skills in a big way.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Michelle said...

I agree...a day without laughter is a day wasted!!! Happy Friday!

Whim Wham Life said...

A day without laughter is a shame! Hope you laugh a lot today:-) Happy Friday! xoxo

DandelionBreeze said...

Love your list of filled in blanks... great idea :) Certainly agree with #4 xoxo