Today was a beautiful day! The forecast was 76 degrees and sunny. Our Mondays are usually very low key. My mom is awesome and she takes Colton to school on Monday mornings so there is no real need for Cooper, Carter and I to go anywhere. We stayed around here and just relaxed. Cooper got dressed and headed outside to play and enjoy this warm and wonderful day. He decked himself out in his camo gear, grabbed his toy gun and headed out to the backyard. I watched him spend most of his time in the brush "hunting." He sure is his father's son. =) He looked so cute, I had to go snap a few photos of him.
Cooper and Sparky |
My little hunter =) |
Can you see him? |
A little side note: Cooper had a fudgesicle after his lunch and let's just say it was all over his face. When I told him his face was pretty messy he said with a big grin, "It's my camouflage." He sure keeps me smiling!
Kanin would spend all day playing Army if he could. LOL So jealous of your 70+ degree weather.
Enjoy it!!
I love how you caught Sparky in mid lick! He is about to lay one on Cooper! So cute! Love that lil hunter! Too bad Luke couldnt come join him! Love, laura
My son is a lover of all things camo ;)
I'm also a new follower :)
- The Mom Adventures
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