Monday, March 21, 2011

Trip recap-the drive home

Thursday morning we got packed up and started the 12 hours drive home. We decided to make it one long day of driving(with stops for potty and food of course) instead of staying somewhere for the night. The boys did great. I think they were so worn out  that they were just happy to watch movies and sack out. Hello Texas.... We pulled in our driveway a few minutes before midnight.

Colton played his DS in this not so comfortable position for the last part of the drive. He had lost his tooth on the way and wanted to stay awake to put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. We assured him that we would make sure it was ready for her and he finally gave up about 45 minutes before we got home.
On a side note, we joked that Carter didn't like New Mexico. We saw a lot of crying fits come out of that cute little body. Maybe it was the altitude, maybe the virus, maybe (and most likely) the fact that he is almost two-- either way he is much more himself now that we are home. Who knows? I hate that he couldn't be in our snow and skiing pictures so here are a few random pictures of him from the trip...
He loves the modern "Cat in the Hat" movie, he laughs out loud and is glued to it. He also loved having this little screen to himself.
This coffee table had a sheet of glass in the middle which we promptly moved to safety. Then it became a fun place to play.

Trying on our ski gear. =)

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